Basic Youtube Features

I set up my own node and I want to invite some friends of mine which are youtubers (at the moment).
But I do miss some basic features.

For example:
A Channel Page
The possibility to create upload templates
Jump-marks a) so you can link to a specific time in a video, b) indication in progressbar (not that important)
« community-tab »
End-screens and info-cards (very important for most youtubers)

And for livestreaming: Chat with moderators.
I know that peertube already stated somewhere that they wont do it and that they hope for community-extensions, but i wanted to mention it nevertheless as it is very important. livestreaming without chat is kinda useless.

Is it known if the other issues are in progress or somewhere on the roadmap?
Thank you very much

hi @freak,

You have a channel page, under https://domain/video-channels/id

What are they?

You can already do that from the description and comments, like 00:10 to link to the tenth second in the video.

Soon™ :wink:

It’s not planned before yet, as Mastodon already fills the gap enough that it doesn’t feel urgent.

Could you open an issue for this at Sign in to GitHub · GitHub ? I’d be very interested to see how the interface to parameter them looks like, if you could provide screenshots.

You can follow things at Live Stream Live Chat · Issue #3098 · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

Not yet. v3.0 just landed and we need to let the dust settle a bit. A preparatory roadmap can be seen at

1 « J'aime »

Wow, Thank you for the answer. You helped me a lot.

I will later today elaborate further regarding open questions and open an issue at github.

Thanks again. Very informative

There are maybe plugins to do this.
For example, there is this plugin:
It is not exactly what you want, but maybe it can be improved to offer such features.

Thank you for your comment. But I think the name « info card » is misleading. I saw the plugin, but it fullfills a different purpose