Data collected for the GDPR Notice

for fulfilling the GDPR my data protection officer asked me which data is collected by the peertube software.
Is there any data collected from visitors?
Registered users need to register with an email address
But are there any other data collected by the peertube software?


Stricto sensu, yes, there is data collected: a video view over 30s using the web client results in a aggregated view count after an hour ; when a visitor views a video, it notifies the bittorrent tracker of the blocks it has available.

The first is aggregated data that doesn’t hold personal information, the second is only transient data that lasts only the time of viewing the video.

Video history, video metadata, profile information, playlists, comments, subscrptions.

But maybe you refer to personally indentifiable data? Aside from an account’s email, there is nothing saved long-term that comes to mind :thinking:

1 « J'aime »

IP address is stored in peertube’s logs and nginx’s logs.

1 « J'aime »

Thanks, helps a lot!