Database does not exist

I have version 3.2.0-rc.1 installed. I am trying to install the latest 3.2.0 release update, run the auto update script and get an error. Unable to connect to the peertube_prod database, the database does not exist .:

peertube@peervideo:~$ cd /var/www/peertube/peertube-latest/scripts && sudo -H -u peertube ./
pg_dump: [архиватор (БД)] не удалось подключиться к базе "'peertube_prod'": ВАЖНО:  база данных "'peertube_prod'" не существует

Database version
psql (PostgreSQL) 11.12 (Debian 11.12-0+deb10u1)

Had to do a manual update.

Thanks, see this patch for the fix: Fix upgrade script · Chocobozzz/PeerTube@86dc0b9 · GitHub

As always, you fix everything quickly! You are great !-)