Error on Peertube 6.3.0

Dear All Friends :grinning:

I have just update my Peertube to the latest version 6.3.0.
I see an error when trying to change the subtitle or video quality.
I click the gear icon then suddenly close. Because of that I can not select/change the subtitle, video quality etc.

This error only happens on cellphone/mobile phone.

Anyone know how to solve this error ?

Thank you very much


On mobile phone, when I click this gear icon, the setting open then suddenly close very fast. So I can’t change subtitle/quality etc.

I have tried vertical and horizontal phone orientation and the error still exist.

This error is not happening on laptop or PC.

Anyone know how to fix this error ?

Please help me and thank you very much :slight_smile:

@Chocobozzz @JohnLivingston


See Version 6.3.0 Mobile Video Controls Issue · Issue #6593 · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

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Sorry, but now can I somehow fix this, or will 6.3.1 be released? Thank you

thanks a lot Chocobozzz :star_struck:

Please, don’t mention me when you are not talking directly to me. I have tons of notifications, and it only adds some noise. I read all post on this forum, and i always respond when i have time and i know the answer. In this particular case, i’m not a Peertube maintainer (only a plugin dev and instance admin). I did not test v6.3.0 for now.