Max size/duration for mirrored video


2 quick questions:

  1. Is it possible to mirror a channel ?
  2. Is it possible to set a duration of mirrored video/channel ? Example: automatic deletion of mirrored video (on mirror instance) after a specific time (for instance after 2 days) or when a specified size occupied by mirrored videos is reached (delete oldest mirrored video first).

My goal is, for recent video (most consulted I guess), having a mirror on my instance to avoid overloading source instance.

Thank you in advance.


Is it possible to mirror a channel ?

No, you can only enable redundancy for an entire PeerTube instance for now.

Yes, see the configuration file: PeerTube/config/production.yaml.example at develop · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

No, you can only enable redundancy for an entire PeerTube instance for now.

But we can also mirror a single video, right ? (just to confirm my understanding)

Yes, see the configuration file: PeerTube/production.yaml.example at develop · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

Thanks, I’ll have a look (but looks like concerning whole instance mirroring, not single videos)

yes you can