[New Bie on PeerTube since May] Bug and Nice to haves


  • If I enter a publication date in the future, it is ignored. The video is available immediately after conversion. How to shledule a date of video publication?

Nice to have

  • Is there possiblity to list all channel avaliable on my instance www.nastub.cz - names not content?
  • Is there possiblity to list all subscribed channels - names not content?
  • Is there possiblity to allow to place a third party discussion platform insted of native PT. e.g. DISQUS?
  • Lock video access against patreon on side of my instance www.nastub.cz?

I have my peertube instance on www.nastub.cz and it is running sicne May 2021. So maybe I ask simple questions… please forgiveness… :stuck_out_tongue: