Problems with PeerTube ActivityPub API thumbnail paths

I’ve been playing around with ActivityPub APIs in an attempt to creating a useful basic app that allows users to choose which PeerTube servers they want to see content from.

I tried pulling PeerTube video information from (Not necessary to be this specific server). This works, but I get objects that contain properties like previewPath and thumbnailPath which contain relative path values (eg /lazy-static/previews/7acb4f68-a887-4b55-8282-449297b8f8a4.jpg).

When I prepend the server instance hostname, I get a 404 and I see that these /lazy-static/... paths are meant for using cached images on servers (As mentioned here: Remote avatars not loading · Issue #5895 · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub.

My question is how can I get a thumbnail for a video as well as the creator avatar thumbnail when I’m not hosting a server myself?


What is the server hostname you try to prepend? Can you give an example?

Hi, I’m currently pulling from "". An example of an item coming from there. When I take the item.previewPath and append it to the hostname, I get a 404: Maybe I’m trying to access the preview path incorrectly, but if that’s the case, I’m wondering how I manage view the item.previewPath and item.avatars[0].path for example.

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        "createdAt": "2025-01-27T17:00:55.549Z",
        "description": "Originally uploaded December 15th, 2022 (It's clearly not 2022 anymore. Thanks for your patience as I upload over here. If you want current videos, go to my YT, but I rather you stay on here!) \r\n\r\nYouTube Link:",
        "dislikes": 0,
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        "name": "#209. Part 2. Stop stressing or worrying about someone who won't even call you to see if you're good., 541056292_mp4",
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        "truncatedDescription": "Originally uploaded December 15th, 2022 (It's clearly not 2022 anymore. Thanks for your patience as I upload over here. If you want current videos, go to my YT, but I rather you stay on here!) \r\n\r\nYouTube Link:",
        "updatedAt": "2025-01-27T17:01:02.384Z",
        "url": "",
        "uuid": "63cf758a-2797-4f73-a066-1436cf04eb86",
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You must prepend the current hostname, and so :slight_smile:

Haha wow thanks so much. I guess I assumed the assets would all be on the host server of the video, but strange I didn’t try something else. Still learning though! Thanks again.