Translation - help with weblate

I’ve started to translate some Peertube items with Weblate, but I can’t find some text.
For example :

  • When a video is auto-blacklisted, this text appears under the video player, and also next to the thumbnail in the video’s page of the user :

Bloquée - Auto-blacklisted. Moderator review required.

  • I also don’t find the text inside email notification of this moderation :

A video is pending moderation

A recently added video was auto-blacklisted and requires moderator review before going public: [displayed name of the video](url to the video).

Apart from the publisher and the moderation team, no one will be able to see the video until you unblacklist it. If you trust the publisher, any admin can whitelist the user for later videos so that they don’t require approval before going public.


Could someone point me where to find it ?
Thanks for your help

Here is for example the search I’ve tested without success (but maybe am I doing it wrong) :


Unfortunately some server strings and emails are not translated yet. See Translate emails · Issue #912 · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

Hello Chocobozzz, thanks for the info.
I will watch the issues to be notified when the translation will be available in Weblate.
Best regards, and have a nice day.