At v7.1.0-rc.1, I can't use Cloudflare R2

I updated PeerTube to v7.1.0-rc.1 yesterday, but videos are not stored in S3.
I’m using Cloudflare R2, and when I try to transfer files to S3 locally, I get the message « Object storage is not enabled on this instance. » and cannot send them.
What could be the cause?


Can you paste your config file under the object_storage configuration key?

[quote=« Chocobozzz, post:2, topic:25037 »]
object_storage 設定キーの下に設定ファイルを貼り付けることはできますか?

What is object_storage configuration key?
If I can paste, I want to do.

But have you configured Peertube to use S3? You have to do some configuration before you can move files to S3 (configure your credentials, your bucket, …).

This is not related to v7.1.0-rc.1.

The object_storage key is here in the production.yaml file:

(do not copy the access id and the secret key!)