Backup of videos in S3 storage


I setup a Peertube instance and configured a S3 storage for the videos. The server where the Peertube instance is running is automatically backed up by the provider so I only have to find a way to back up the videos. One solution would be to run another instance with another S3 storage that mirrors the main instance but that would mean more maintenance and I guess it would be more expensive than other solutions.

Do you know different ways to backup videos from the S3 storage? Maybe a NAS?

I’m relying on my S3 provider for backups, because one copy of 15 TiB is expensive enough to retain. Is that a mistake?

If I were to make a second copy of every video I would use my NAS, but an S3 bucket from a different provider sounds good too.

Another option is cold (offline, unpowered), naked hard drives that you keep in plastic boxes and periodically connect to a docking station. Then at a certain scale, tape backups become more economical than cold hard drives.

Thanks for you’re answer, @TankieTanuki!

Yeah, it definitively is! :slight_smile:

One provider where I run the PeerTube instance on a VPS offers backups but you have to pay that. So there I know that they are creating backups because I pay for this service. But I didn’t read anything at the website of my S3 provider (luckycloud). So I just asked them via email to be sure about it.

I probably will take this option and then see how I can automate the backup process.

If it was only for me that was okay but I will allow other users to use the instance and therefore prefer daily backups :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Provider: We ran a CSAM scan tool and found some content in (random private video from abusive user). As a result your account is terminated.

You: Dead site with no backups.

1 « J'aime »

Hm, so with two different providers you would reduce the risk that you would end with no backup but to be completely independent you have to create a backup on hardware you control.

1 « J'aime »

No, just make sure your backups on the other provider (if its shared or S3) are encrypted. You can do this with something like rclone.

1 « J'aime »

They answered that they don’t create any backups. In the mean time I found out that another provider who seems to be privacy-friendly and is cheaper (Hetzner) offers S3 storage and asked them, too. They also don’t backup the storage but they suggested to use just two buckets in different locations from them so I took that option. With rclone it’s really easy to sync the data between both buckets.

Just for the record, this is not a real backup. If you (or a user) make a mistake and delete accidentally some data, you won’t be able to recover datas.
Same if there is a software bug.

It’s up to you to decide if this an acceptable risk.

Personally i always do backups using a tool like Borg (which provides incremental backups), and keep them several months.
(but i’m not using S3)

Why? Can you explain this a little bit more? The PeerTube itself will also be backed up regularly so that there are multiple backups of it. I know that you need a backup of both so that the video files themselves are not lost and PeerTube knows where to look for them and other things.

Sometime we make mistakes…
Imagine you delete accidently the wrong video. It could be great to be able to recover it.

If you just replicate, you won’t be able to recover.

As i said, it’s up to you to decide what is the acceptable risk.

For me personally it wouldn’t be a problem because I wouldn’t use a PeerTube instance as the only storage for a video. But I want to offer the instance to other people and because of that a safer backup strategy would be better.

I was looking for a solution to do incremental backup of a S3 storage on another S3 storage but it seems that there is no way to do this.

Thank you anyway for your input

1 « J'aime »

It seams that Kopia handles S3:

I did not test it for now.

If I understand it correctly Kopia allows only to upload snapshots of local files to S3.

Maybe it doesn’t matter. I thought more about this topic. It would be best if I would create a backup of the videos and the instance because my provider only automatically creates backups so I cannot influence how they are done (probably snapshots) and how many are created. That means that I may have a backup of the videos but no databases that fits to that videos (because some object URLs changed etc.).

For now I tend to make the backups locally. First sync the current state of instance and S3 storage then create incremental backups of the synced stuff and then copy the backup.

1 « J'aime »

I ended up creating a bucket with IDrive e2 and using rclone to encrypt and sync all the videos in my primary B2 bucket, per @FrenzyBiscuit’s suggestion.