Can I run PeerTube by forwarding from a subdomain to an IP address?

I’m trying to set up a PeerTube instance, mostly for personal use, and the part I got stuck with is the hostname.

I have a VPS with an IP address, and a domain with a completely different provider, where I could create a subdomain and forward it to the IP address.

I’ve read somewhere that running a PeerTube instance with just an IP isn’t possible, but what do I set as hostname in the configuration, then? The subdomain, or the IP?

And where do I forward the subdomain to? Do I have to forward to a certain port?


Nevermind, I registered a new domain and pointed it to the VPS by modifying the DNS entry …

Just an FYI if you need it in future

Yes you can use a sub domain with peertube you’d setup peertube on the sub domain for example (or whatever you call it)

You’d simply create a new A record on your domains DNS (with your domain provider) instead of @ you’d use the subdomain name and then point it to the server IP running peertube

If you look at your domain DNS you have something like

A @
A www

You’d make one

A Subdomain Your.server.ip.address

1 « J'aime »