Chat? Viewing other user's profiles?

I have looked everywhere for documentation, joined different instances of all types to check/test (including 5.1 versions), but for the life of me can’t figure out if private chat between users is possible, despite there being a window expressly for private chat. If, so, what is the addrsss format used? @user_name? user_name@mobilizoninstance.xx? It doesn’t work anywhere. Also, is it possible to look at the profile of another user? We are considering hosting our own instance in US, and are trying to gauge the suitability of Mobilizon for our needs! Thanks for any info!

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Hi, I just installed an instance… trying out Conversations, I find I can type in a mastodon/activitypub style address, eg: (thats me), which it seems to find - so its presumably Activity Pub style DMs

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Thank you so much for the response and help offered. I tried the address format as you suggested on both the and .nl instances (former 4.1, and later 5.1 versions), and in both the « send » for a message remains dimmed, so it doesn’t seem to recognize the address as formatted. To verify, on, my address as you suggest would be, then? Thanks again!

Yes, trying to send you a screenshot but the forum just processes for ages. If I type that into mine it recognises it and pops up a profile image which I assume is yours.

I sent a test message, no idea if it arrived though

Thanks for that! I didn’t receive it, but certainly doesn’t mean that yours isn’t working. Could be that the chat is just nonfunctional. Sounds like your instance is more functional than most I’ve encountered. Not sure if appropriate to ask, but could you share it and let me register and check out functionality first hand? I’d happily delete my account/tracks after. I’d mainly want to set up a test group, and then create a test event within it.

That’s partly why I installed it - couldn’t find one to tinker with. Ping me a message (on mastodon above or send another contact method) - Not going to post it publicly.

Hmm, so just tested, using Sign up - Mastodon which is a mastodon instance you can view all the in/outgoing activitypub data on, that messages do get sent into my Mobilizon instance - and I can send messages out to users the instance doesnt know about yet (tho it did know about the instance).

Wondering why they cant be seen on other/normal mastodon servers…