Error importing torrent file

When I import a torrent file, an error appears

This torrent file is not supported or too large. Please, make sure it is of the following type: .torrent

This happened after expanding the storage drive. Previously, everything worked well and this torrent file also worked, but now it gives an error.

Download Torrent File

The problem is absolutely with all torrent files. It does not depend on this file.

Here are the results of the log file

{« message »:« - - [03/Apr/2020:08:17:04 +0000] « GET /api/v1/users/me/video-quota-used HTTP/1.0 » 200 44 « [PeerVideo](PeerVideo) » « Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0 »\n »,« level »:« info »,« label »:« »,« timestamp »:« 2020-04-03T08:17:04.264Z »}
{« path »:« /api/v1/videos/imports/ »,« err »:{« torrentfile »:{« msg »:« This torrent file is not supported or too large. Please, make sure it is of the following type: .torrent »,« param »:« torrentfile »,« location »:« body »}},« level »:« warn »,« message »:« Incorrect request parameters »,« label »:« »,« timestamp »:« 2020-04-03T08:17:50.821Z »}

For me, this is certainly not a big problem. I just want everything to work perfectly. And he himself wants to understand the cause of the occurrence and possible solutions.

Firefox Mozilla v74.0 (x64).
I also tried in the browser Edge and Internet Explorer. The problem was repeated.

To eliminate the problem of the local network, I tried to download the torrent file from another remote computer via the Internet. I tried it in Google Chrome - The problem repeated.

note: side-tracked with

This is also my topic. I thought that there are people on the forum who have encountered the same problem.