Error: null value in column \"nodeVersion\" of relation \"application\" violates not-null constraint

Hello, I am running peertube for an Year with an docker setup. But suddenly the database is corrupt.

peertube-peertube-1  |       "message": "null value in column \"nodeVersion\" of relation \"application\" violates not-null constraint",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "length": 237,
peertube-peertube-1  |       "name": "error",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "severity": "ERROR",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "code": "23502",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "detail": "Failing row contains (7107, 0, null, null, null).",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "schema": "public",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "table": "application",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "column": "nodeVersion",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "file": "execMain.c",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "line": "1947",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "routine": "ExecConstraints",
peertube-peertube-1  |       "sql": "INSERT INTO \"application\" (\"migrationVersion\") VALUES (0)"

How can I fix this without dropping the database?