Follow a channel from another instance

With my Peertube account, on one Peertube instance, I want to follow a channel from another Peertube instance.

But when I search the channel on my instance, it cannot found it and I got an error message. When I try to follow the channel from its instance, I get redirected to my instance and got an error message.

My instance is


I want to follow the channel « ». When I search it from my instance, it can’t found it and I get the error message « Erreur de recherche: L’index de recherche n’est pas disponible. Essayez plutôt avec les résultats de l’instance. ». If try to follow from instance, after being redirected to, I got the error message « Impossible d’accéder à la ressource à distance ».

I’ve talked to my instance admins. They say it’s because our instance didn’t follow their instance. But is it true ? To follow a channel from another instance, my instance need to follow this instance ?

1 « J'aime »


In the search section of the documentation, at the section « global search », it is write that it

Has to be enabled by your admin

So it is maybe the problem for that.
If you want to make global search, you can use Sepia Search.

In Instance follows & redundancy | PeerTube documentation (doc for admins),
It is says that

Following an instance will display videos of that instance on your pages (i.e. « Trending », « Recently Added », etc.) and your users will be able to interact with them.

So, if your instance don’t follow an other instance, you can’t interact with videos of the other instance. I think what they say is true, or I don’t understand something in the documentation.

Bests Regards (and sorry for my english, I hope I am clear)


So it is maybe the problem for that.

If the global search is disabled, it will not be possible to run it as a user. I think. I asked my admins.

So, if your instance don’t follow an other instance, you can’t interact with videos of the other instance.

But what the documentation mean by « interact with them » ?


I don’t know in details what it means, but I think that it is the possibility to « interact » with the video as an user of the other instance, even if you are not in this instance (but I am not sure).