HLS with P2P not working, mediaError - fragParsingError

On Ubuntu 18.04, with a fresh install of PeerTube 3.1.0, no plugin, the webtorrent videos are working, however, when trying to broadcast a video with HLS with P2P, the video fails to run with two JS errors printed to the console.

HLS.js error: mediaError - fatal: false - fragParsingError
HLS.js error: mediaError - fatal: false - bufferAddCodecError

Can anyone point out what is wrong with HLS?

Best regards,
Joannes Vermorel


Please check your ffmpeg version that should >= 4.1

1 « J'aime »

Indeed, it was the problem! I had a 3.x version of ffmpeg.

On Ubuntu 18.04, it turns out that snap is installing the 3.x version, just like apt (default flavor).
In the end, I found the solution to install ffmpeg 4.x at https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/06/install-ffmpeg-4-3-via-ppa-ubuntu-18-04-16-04/

Thank you very much for your support. It’s enormously appreciated.

Best regards,
Joannes Vermorel

1 « J'aime »