Could you please help to disable web-video transcoding? Maybe there is an advice how can I change Peertube source code and rebuild so it skips web-video transcoding job and does hls transcoding right away?
I know that web-video transcoding is somehow should be usefull, but I did tested many times videos are playing fine without it.
If I cancel web-video transcoding, Peertube thinks video already transcoded. I see that when I want to manually start hls transcoding job from admin panel.
So here is my workflow:
- I upload video
- Wait 10-20 minutes untill transcoding jobs appear
- Cancel parent job web-video transcoding
- Go to Videos page in Admin panel and manually start HLS transcoding. In that promt Peertube says that video alredy transcoded (ignore it).
- Then I get all the resolution in better quality (will explain why).
Why do I skip web-video transcoding:
- It’s extremely time consuming. Original resolution re-encodes 2 times, so it takes x2 time. I know that Peertube can copy codecs, but Peertube Runner does not. And I use runner.
- It make video quality worse. Because we are talking about re-encoding video 2 times, since Peertube Runner can’t copy codecs.