How to Production Quality PeerTube

After deploying Peertube, there are several configurations needed to prepare the instance for production.

Does anybody here have the skills to do the following, and hopefully make a short series of brief videos explaining how to accomplish this so that the community can benefit?

  • Object storage for the videos - so that videos are stored on object storage
  • Cache server To reduce object storage cost, we strongly recommend to setup a cache server (CDN/external proxy).
  • Sepia Search and hosting your own Global search moderated Sepia Search instance (this might need an additional VPS?)
  • Grafana/Tempo/Promtail/Loki/Prometheus - To visualize the data.
  • video runner - so that you can make use of a high powered gpu for e.g. transcoding
  • A proxy so that the instance can safely allow users to import a channel from e.g. youtube
  • Setup analytics using matomo

Some of these tasks can be greatly simplified using Cloudron:

Cloudron allows you to one-click deploy Peertube. It also supports one-click deployment of Grafana/Prometheus, and also Matomo.

The documentation currently available for these configurations is scant. The maintainer is too busy to create the video explainers.

Please reach out here, if you are willing and able.

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