Incorrect request parameters: support

Edit: The problem only occurs in Safari.

A user on my instance said they’re getting this error when trying to publish or edit a video.

I can’t find anything related in the server logs, but I could be missing something.

Can you share the account URL that has this error?

1 « J'aime »

I’m not sure. Just a minute…

Guys. I created a question with a problem. Yesterday, when publishing a video or editing it, this error appeared. Exactly in Safari. Today it seemed to work, but when publishing a video longer than 2 hours, it just froze. I had to do it through Chrome. Now I tried to upload a 6.5 GB video through Safari, uploaded it, clicked publish, thought it was frozen again, but after 5 minutes I published it. Maybe the larger the file, the longer it takes to publish? Although Chrome publishes everything quickly. Mak M1, Sanoma

AlphaOmega is the originator of the problem who contacted me.

What is your account name/URL on TankieTube, @AlphaOmega?