Installing PeerTube behind a reverse proxy using Docker

I’m wanting to install PeerTube3 using Docker under CentOS 7 behind an Apache reverse proxy. I also have another container running on that machine, listening on port 9000. The docs are helpful, but there are a few points that I’m not sure I have right:

  • In docker-compose.yml, do I understand correctly that I need to comment out both the webserver: and the certbot: sections (lines 6-41)?
  • Again in docker-compose.yml, line 59, I’d uncomment this line and change it to a different port (e.g., "9001:9000"), so as to not conflict with the other container already listening on port 9000?
  • In .env, uncomment the lines PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_PORT=80 and PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HTTPS=false, without editing those values?
    • All of these changes seem to be what the comments in those files are saying, I’m just wanting to make sure I understand them correctly.

I’m encountering a couple of issues with my installation, and it seems like the obvious place to start is what I changed from the defaults.


In docker-compose.yml, do I understand correctly that I need to comment out both the webserver: and the certbot: sections (lines 6-41)?

Yes since you already have your front webserver.


In .env, uncomment the lines PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_PORT=80 and PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HTTPS=false, without editing those values?

It should correspond to your public domain name. So if your reverse proxy (apache) serves peertube on it should be PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_PORT=443 and PEERTUBE_WEBSERVER_HTTPS=true.

1 « J'aime »

Perfect–changing this corrected both the channel display name and the video playback issues I was seeing. Thanks!

The tracker function did not work for me behind the reverse proxy, which is when watching videos on different devices both on the local network and on the Internet - traffic exchange did not work. So I had to purchase an additional white IP address and direct it directly to the Peertube server - (

Does the tracker function work for you behind the reverse proxy?