I was watching the FOSDEM talk online and I understood that keskonfai gets a lot of it’s data from an existing open data source (this one?). I would be really curious to hear more about this, since we have (to my knowledge) nothing similar here in The Netherlands. In Belgium there is a similar national database, but it’s not open data (at last last time I looked).
Would it be possible to find out more about this from someone who is involved with this? I’m curious of how this data is collected, and what the effects and implications are for making this data public.
I’m also curious about other cases where mobilizon is used. Is there somewhere where it would be possible to read up a bit about more cases?
Thanks for your feedback. Yes you found the right data source I don’t have any direct contat, it’s quite smooth to connect to the source. I can’t provide more information than what you’ll find directly on the official website, but I’ll try to find out if there are similar initiatives in other countries.
Hello ! I’m in charge the DATAtourisme plateform. We indeed deliver french touristic datas on open source. You have some informations here : https://info.datatourisme.fr/ (only in french…) and if needed I can give your more details about the system (charleshenri.boisseau@adn-tourisme.fr). There is a similar project that has been launch this year in The Netherlands. They are still developing. It is called Touripedia. You’ll find it on linkedin.
Thank you both for getting back about this! I appreciate the offer and and might take you up on it, but first I’ll read up a bit about DATATourisme and Touripedia.