License Agreement

Hey @Chocobozzz, is there Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before contributing or using PeerTube for Commercial Use? If there exists one what are the procedure to follow for the agreement?

1 « J'aime »

Hi @newbedeveloper !

I answer on behalf of Framasoft (Chocobozzz’s employer and PeerTube lead contributor): no, there is no Contributor License Agreement.

Commercial use fall under any other uses and must abide by the AGPL license of PeerTube as indicated in the readme file and detailed in the license file.

Please also note that PeerTube is a trademark registered by Framasoft, and we have pledged to follow this code of conduct regarding trademark laws.

I hope this answered your question.

@Pouhiou, Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

@Pouhiou , If possible I would like to know about this as well. Kindly reply at your convenience.

Well, I for one, don’t have the sightless clue (as it is far from my area of expertise).

Our already small team is stretched really thin right now (with holidays and so on) so your best bet would be to see if it is not already documented in the PeerTube Documentation or on the git repository.

I’m sorry I cannot be of any more help!