Live stream recording

Hi all,

I was testing the live streaming that is working well and I was wondering if there is a way to record the live streaming to get it later in the library.

Thank you !

Yes, as you start a live streaming there is a tab with « Live settings ». In it you can check « Automatically publish a replay when your live ends » to record the live stream.

I don’t see that option :thinking: I will check with the admin account, maybe there is something to check to allow it.

It is now working well for me, thank you very much for your help @rigelk

For peoples that are as inattentive than me :wink:, be cautious to check « Allow your users to automatically publish a replay of their live » (as admin) and « Automatically publish a replay when your live ends » (as user)

Thank you to the team, what a great job that v3 :ok_hand:

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