Livechat plugin v11.0.0 is out!


I’m happy to announce the livechat plugin v11!
I worked hard all the summer to achieve this new version, with a lot of new features and improvements.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of new features:

  • Moderator notes, to share notes between moderators
  • New option to make moderation action anonymous (so users can’t see who deleted messages or kicked someone)
  • Search function for moderators, so they can find all message from a given user
  • Possibility to enable mod_firewall on the backend XMPP server
  • Many accessibility improvements
  • New version of ConverseJS, the front-end chat client
  • New default avatars (with user initials)
  • A new template for the documentation website

And many more. For a full changelog, check the release notes.

Hope these new features will help streamers to have more accessible and safe live sessions.

4 « J'aime »

The plugin had a lot of new features this year. Don’t hesitate to check the documentation to have a glance on all available features.

Congratulations :clap:

2 « J'aime »