Matomo with Framagit Pages?


I currently have a framagit page, and a matomo self-hosted @Home. I’ve made everything that was said to do, but, I have no analytics going to my Matomo server. Is Matomo disabled for Framagit pages? Just want to know how many people go to my page, so if there is an alternative I’m ok anyway.

Thanks in advance for your answers!


What instructions did you follow? From what I can see in your Framagit page there’s no Matomo script included. I don’t think there’s any reason for it not to work.

I’ve deleted it, but just wrote it back and deployed. In fact I’ve added the « Install with Javascript Code », at the very end of the head section of the html. But maybe it’s an issue from my side.

You can check, it is in « production »

Your Yunohost server doesn’t allow accessing the Matomo script directly. Accessing https://matomo.[yourserver]/matomo.js redirects to your YunoHost login page.

Maybe there’s some configuration needed on Yunohost or Matomo for Yunohost package’s side.

1 « J'aime »

It was totally that! Thx a lot!