I posted this on Nostr but lost my key.
For monetization on the fediverse, Id like a system where u specify ur funding info (funding sources, wallets) using a record (probably #JSON), & upload it to ur instance acct. Then, its included on ur vids & content pages by the site. Then you make a browser extension that scans for such records on every page, & exports them to a program of ur choice or at least gives u a download queue so u dont get overloaded w/ requests. The browser can assign a #MIMEtype & filetype to the document, factoring opening it in ur chosen program out of the plugin.
Then in ur program u can see who ur paying & how much & often, & where the record came from (the plugin appending the origin instance to the record), & set up automatic payments, including in pools such as a budgeted videos or media list w/ fair-by-default distribution from the budget. Clearly this has applications outside the Fediverse, say for funding Wikipedia.
You can add syncing w/ PKIs & such to make sure ppls paymt info is up-to-date w/out relying on the authority of the instance.
#neweconomy #voluntarism #fediverse PeerTube
I tried to make a donation but my card wasnt accepted.
Im hoping Framasoft can get ppl who can:
- Publish a spec for the record (fields for name, funding sources, creator instance) so ppl can write the funding mgmt programs
- Make a browser extension that scans the page for these records - so give the record a format ID
- Then one that downloads & exports them.
Then instances can put their own record on the pg 2, & the mgmt programs can tell users about instance blocks for those u support.