(English below)
Dans le but d’améliorer l’expérience de la plateforme Peertube, je suis à la recherche de feedbacks.
N’hésitez pas à partager vos commentaires ici et sachez que vos retours seront très précieux 
- Que pensez-vous des la manière de gérer, de modifier ou de mettre à jour vos vidéos sur Peertube ?
- Avez-vous déjà rencontré des difficultés pour trouver certaines informations ?
Je suis designer freelance et j’accompagne Peertube pour améliorer le parcours utilisateur.
Merci pour votre aide 
In order to improve the experience of the Peertube platform, I’m looking for feedback.
Feel free to share your comments here and know that your feedback will be very valuable. 
- What do you think about how to manage, edit or update your videos on Peertube?
- Have you ever had trouble finding information?
I’m a freelance designer and I’m working with Peertube to improve the user experience.
Thanks for your help 
I would add a button like youtube start streaming, upload video. Because in order for me to start broadcasting, I do a lot of unnecessary movements, and so everything will be much easier.
I’m in love with the new UI. I don’t disagree with the suggestion above; I think, in general, the flow to publish a new video (or start a stream) could be streamlined.
But I think my main (only?) issue with the current video management flow is that, when you update a video, it always kicks you back out to that video’s ‹ Watch › page. If you make lots of changes, there’s no way to save your progress to continue working later, in case you’re concerned about the tab closing, etc.
For instance, on YouTube, the ‹ Update › button equivalent when changing video metadata (title, description, etc.) just saves the new values but doesn’t boot you out to the video page. Also, it’s greyed-out if there have been no changes since the last save, but lights up when changes are made. On the other hand, the details-update page does have a prominent link to open the video in another tab.
On Twitch, there is a ‹ Done › button in the lower right, which does the same thing. It saves changes but doesn’t kick the user back out.
It’s a small issue, but probably the biggest with my PeerTube workflow. There are lots of times that I want to save my video but I’m scared to because I know it’ll boot me out once I do, so I need to triple-check that I updated everything that I want to, first.
Thank you for considering making updates to this flow! I believe that it’s largely extremely good and I can’t imagine it needing many updates.
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The second suggestion is to create a bulletin board for new videos. The fact is that for example, my instance is mostly with internal videos, and I would like to interest users who watch open videos to buy a subscription. I.e. register for a fee and watch internal videos. To do this, each new video, such as the title, was placed on the main page in the form of a magazine.