Need help with my old videos (on Peertube)

My old videos were on an S3 server. The files were moved to the local server because I decided to host them somewhere other than the S3 server. The new videos and some videos that were on the S3 work, but on some videos Peerube tries to connect to the S3 server that no longer exists.

The video is in /data/storage/streaming-playlists/hls but Peertube is trying to load it from the S3 server. Is it possible to force Peertube to play local videos?


To migrate video files from/to s3 you need to use CLI tools guide | PeerTube documentation

that’s what I had done before deleting the bucket, but since some videos weren’t working and I had manually downloaded everything, I decided to manually put the videos that weren’t working but that weren’t loading on Peertube

But can « Update object storage URLs » be used to store a local video URL?

I think the script will fail because it will try to download the file from object storage and then upgrade the URL

but is it possible to change the url manually?

You can try updating the database directly, setting fileUrl to null and storage to 0 (videoFile, videoSource and videoStreamingPlaylist tables)

okay I did it and nope it’s not working. In my browser, when I check the logs, I have that :
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‹ (link from the video when it was on the object storage) › from origin ‹ (my domain where the instance is hosted) › has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‹ Access-Control-Allow-Origin › header is present on the requested resource.

HLS.js error: networkError - fatal: true - manifestLoadError

GET (link from the video when it was on the object storage) net::ERR_FAILED 404 (Not Found)

Ensure the playlistFilename column corresponds to the file on your disk for videoStreamingPlaylist

You need to update playlistUrl and segmentsSha256Url too (to null) in videoStreamingPlaylist

okay now I see « VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found for this media. »

Please paste the URL of your video

Ensure storage is set to 0 in videoStreamingPlaylist (row id: 44808)

It worked! Tysm!