Newsletter -> AI -> mobilizon

I’m planning to make a push for mobilizon in some parts of the arts in and around Amsterdam. To start from scratch isn’t so easy. However, I have been experimenting with running email newsletters through a local LLM with pretty good results. I made a little video here

I’ve been asking around in the art spaces and there is generally excitement about the prospect to make this process less tedious.

So I was planning to do a kind of ‹ newsletter interface › that sits in front of mobilizon, like so:

  1. The organisations sends their newsletters, as they usually do.
  2. I send back an automated response « is this your events? » with their events extracted.
  3. They can correct/approve
  4. it’s published to mobilizon

Crucially, the LLMs I’ve tested gets the dates right. It makes mistakes, but the its usually something easy to spot. For example, 1 time out of 20 it gets the wrong image, since it’s hard to judge for an LLM if the image above or underneath is the right one.

AI is, in some ways, problematic and it is also a bit wasteful with electricity use. But I would see this as a temporary measure to get thing started. I suppose that long term, everyone would want to use mobilizon directly.

My aim is to really lower the effort to participate. By using email I don’t have to have people sign up (since I can use magic links directly from my email). I can juxtapose the email with the extracted event to make the approval seamless. My hope is that it feels easier to click on an email than to remember to add your event somewhere new.

Any thoughts about this? Would anyone else be interested in such a thing?

That sounds smart, please keep us posted!

On our side we’re looking into having newsletters automatically created from Mobilizon instances or groups.