PeerTube Links on Mastodon not embedding

I’ve tried everything I can think of to get PeerTube video links to embed or to be playable inside of Mastodon. Rumble, YouTube, BitChute and others all work fine. PT videos just show as a link (even after refresh). What am I missing?

1 « J'aime »


Do you have an URL of a PeerTube on Mastodon?

I do. Here is an example of a PeerTube link on a public Mastodon instance:

This one shows a preview card and takes you to the external PeerTube instance as opposed to playing in Mastodon.

I administer a private Mastodon instance, where the behavior is almost the same except it only shows the link with no preview card.

From your example link, you will get the following oEmbed endpoint, but when you try to retrieve it, a 403 will be returned.

From your example link, you will get the following oEmbed endpoint, but when you try to retrieve it, a 403 will be returned.

Here is another example. The oEmbed endpoint from this link will give you the data as expected.

  type: "video",
  version: "1.0",
  html: "<iframe width="560" height="315" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups" title="2019年8月3日の上尾花火大会より" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>",
  width: 560,
  height: 315,
  title: "2019年8月3日の上尾花火大会より",
  author_name: "のえるチャンネル",
  author_url: "",
  provider_name: "PeerTube",
  provider_url: "",
  thumbnail_url: "",
  thumbnail_width: 850,
  thumbnail_height: 480

Is the oEmbed endpoint at working correctly?

I’m not sure why you’re getting a 403. I am not. Perhaps geographic restrictions on your end?

Access to the oEmbed endpoint to should be successful with a return of 200 ( is my PeerTube server)

Access to the oEmbed endpoint to returns 403. And because of that, Mastodon doesn’t show the player.

Someone needs to find out why the oEmbed endpoint on returns a 403.

(I’m a Mastodon Collaborator, explaining the cause based on Mastodon’s internal behavior)

Ok now I understand. This is probably a firewall issue then. Any idea what port the embed service uses?

Any idea what firewall ports need to be open from external besides TCP 80, TCP 443 and TCP 9000? I think this is likely the issue and the documentation isn’t clear.

You should not to have to open other ports than 80/443. seems to work correctly now

and 1935 for lives (RTMP protocol)