Peertube Live Chat Plugin

Hello everyone,
after installing Peertube and uploaded all of my videos, i’m road to make my first live.
But for interact with my (small) community, i would like to use the LiveChat plugin.

Is it possible to install Prosody in the same container of Peertube ?
Or i need to install Prosody in another container ?
Or reinstall Peertube ?

Link of LiveChat plugin : peertube-plugin-livechat/ at main · JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat · GitHub
Link of Prosody : Using Prosody with Docker – Prosody IM

Thanks for your further response :slight_smile:

cc @JohnLivingston

Installing Prosody was a prerequesite before the livechat v6.0.0. You don’t need this anymore.
Unless your CPU is not x86_64 compatible (for example ARM64).
This is because of a bug in a building tool I use. I’m waiting for the fix (which exists) to be released: Fix missing interpreter for aarch64 architecture by carlonluca · Pull Request #283 · AppImageCrafters/appimage-builder · GitHub

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:
Another question, is it possible to customize the chat background-color ?
I would like to make it in green for OBS browser source embedding.

I’ve already tested with this feature, but i don’t know what is the div class used by the chat window.

Latest question, do you know if it is possible to moderate the chat like Twitch (delete message, user timeout, user ban…) ?

It is documented here: peertube-plugin-livechat/documentation/ at main · JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat · GitHub
You can even have transparency :slight_smile:

Moderation exist, but is a little bit hidden for now.
More information here: peertube-plugin-livechat/documentation/ at main · JohnXLivingston/peertube-plugin-livechat · GitHub

Moderation will be easier later on this year. See here for more informations: Peertube chat plugin: 2023 will be full of new features! - John Livingston

Thank you for your help :slight_smile: