Question about translations

  1. There is a line where I want to translate

{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other {<x id="INTERPOLATION"/> views}}

Now the translation is done like this

{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other {<x id="INTERPOLATION"/> просмотров}}

I want to clarify if I have to translate in the singular? I pointed with an arrow in the screenshot

  1. I also noticed another translation for another line of code, which uses different variants for the Russian language. Tell me is it right? Will this work?

<x id="ICU" equiv-text="{video.views, plural, =1 {1 viewer} other {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} viewers}}"/>

<x id="ICU" equiv-text="{video.views, plural, one {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зритель} few {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зрителя} other {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зрителей}}"/>

just in case, I’ll show it in the screenshot

hi @alterak,

Yes, that would need to be translated too.

There it gets interesting! I didn’t know some translators were versed in ICU message formats (the syntax you outline). By using one, few and other you effectively get variants depending on the quantity. Different languages have different words reserved for them, and for russian that is Language plural rules - Localizely (one, few, many and other).

We never put translation guideline since it is a bit more involved but that is a way to radically improve translation accuracy.

These code changes were not made by me. I just saw such a translation myself, so I wanted to understand if this would work or would it be better to return the standard string code?

It works, and you can do more:

<id="ICU" equiv-text="{video.views, plural,
  one {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зри́тель} 
  few {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зри́теля}
  many {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зри́тели}
  other {{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }} зри́телей}}"

EDIT: wild guess as to whether this is valid russian or not, sorry if I mistranslated :sweat_smile:

Thank you-)