We are trying to put embeds of several videos from the same PeerTube server on the same web page: FediForum | FediForum September, 2024
Almost on every request, at least one of the embeds says « Sorry. The player is not compatible with your web browser. Try latest Firefox version. » However, which embed is failing is not predictable. The more frequently one refreshes the page, the more of the embeds tend to have the error.
Behavior appears similar in Firefox and Chrome. Browser console reports:
Cannot init embed. SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data jschannel-Bti7SxcA.js:1:13952
clientError https://spectra.video/client/standalone/videos/assets/jschannel-Bti7SxcA.js:1
error https://spectra.video/client/standalone/videos/assets/jschannel-Bti7SxcA.js:1
<anonymous> https://spectra.video/client/standalone/videos/assets/embed-wtYofeCC.js:20
(Async: promise callback)
<anonymous> https://spectra.video/client/standalone/videos/assets/embed-wtYofeCC.js:20
Any idea what’s going on here? Maybe we are running into rate limiting? If so, is there a way of changing the limits? Or is having multiple embeds on the same page simply not something that’s supported?