Simple question about transcription

I got running transcription whisper with peertube-runner and works smoothly, great job! But once it’s transcripted to the original language, how to let the client choose its own language to tranlsate from the caption button CC?


It’s not possible for the admin or the uploader to choose the transcription language yet :slight_smile:

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well, my question was the opposite.
how the user can select his own language once the original transcription is finished and available to the user? for example if the video is in English, so the transcription is in English so far so good. but if the user needs to translate in French, so it should be a list of other language with the CC button right?

Hi, I was already interested in this topic, if the transcription language is for example Russian in the video, then going to the English version of the copy, the transcription will still be in Russian)

transcript to the original language automatically is a must, then the user (as on YT) choose to translate automaticall from the CC button from the original transcript to his language, then what’s done, keep it on file and so one for other translation…