Some video files in /storage/web-videos despite object storage

I noticed that in /var/www/peertube/storage/web-videos/ there are some video files even though I have object storage enabled. It is a small number of videos, only about 100 when my instance has more than 1500 videos, and the dates of the files ranges from June 2023 to June 5, 2024.

Furthermore, they seem to be the original size (like 1080p, even though, even though I don’t have « always transcode original resolution » and « keep a version of original file » disabled.

This is very puzzling to me, as I can see no reason that these files should be stored here, as I thought the original files that should be deleted.

Sorry I can’t give any more specifics, as I haven’t been able to figure out what videos on my peertube instance these files are « connected » to. I am happy to help if you have any ideas for how I can debug this. Do you think this is due to a bug?

Unfortunately I don’t know and I think your peertube logs have been deleted since.

I suggest to run CLI tools guide | PeerTube documentation

When all the jobs have been finished (you can see them in the PeerTube interface) then you can run CLI tools guide | PeerTube documentation to clean up your disk if the files are still on your filesystem

1 « J'aime »

No problem, thank you for your reply! Hopefully someone better than me will discover what is the problem in the future. For now it will be easy enough for me to delete the videos in this directory when needed. (The reason I discovered this is that it was the directory that took up the most space on my virtual machine)