There are a lot of tasks pending

Hi. Can you help me figure out why I have a huge amount of unprocessed tasks pending? For such tasks, something like this error

error[12.10.2021, 10:45:44] Cannot execute job 8411 in queue activitypub-http-broadcast.
  "payload": {
    "uris": [
    "body": {
      "id": "",
      "type": "View",
      "actor": "",
      "object": "",
      "to": [
      "cc": [
      "@context": [
          "RsaSignature2017": ""
      "signature": {
        "type": "RsaSignature2017",
        "creator": "",
        "created": "2021-10-10T22:19:43.582Z",
        "signatureValue": "oDXnSo3coRp2.HIDDEN_KEY.XhYt7zRUjnIy4PkF3kqlFMFuZ0+QRLKe2/RNqg=="
  "err": {
    "stack": "TimeoutError: Promise timed out after 600000 milliseconds\n    at Timeout._onTimeout (/var/www/peertube/versions/peertube-nightly-2021-10-12/node_modules/p-timeout/index.js:34:63)\n    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:557:17)\n    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:500:7)",
    "message": "Promise timed out after 600000 milliseconds",
    "name": "TimeoutError"