"There are errors in the form:" when trying to use Administration panel

Hello, despite tons of troubleshooting I cannot figure out how to fix this problem, registration is also no longer functioning on my instance and I really want to re-enable them.

On the configuration page there is a text at the bottom of the page: « There are errors in the form: », it does not specify what said errors are.

As part of my troubleshooting, I looked at the network requests being made and saw that GET https:///api/v1/custom-pages/homepage/instance was returning 404, duplicating the request gives the response: {"type":"about:blank","title":"Not Found","detail":"Instance homepage could not be found","status":404,"error":"Instance homepage could not be found"}

Potentially that error is the cause of my issues, if you have any ideas please let me know.

Have you errors in the Peertube server log?
I quickly checked the Peertube’s code, looking for that error message.
This error should not happen. Maybe your database server is down? Or Peertube can’t connect to it?


Do you use docker?

No, I am using the binary not a docker image.

Hello there, I am still looking for a solution to fix this issue.

You didn’t respond: have you errors in your Peertube’s logs? (the default path is /var/www/peertube/storage/logs/, or you can use journalctl -feu peertube).
Is your Postgresql service running?


In addition to @JohnLivingston questions, could you paste your server URL and more web browser logs?

You 404 request should be properly handled by PeerTube, so it should not be related to your issue.