Translation and Viewer role


I have change language to simplified Chinese, but there is still English words, such as the following screenshot, Default NSFW. I want to add these translation to my website.

Also about the email template, can I customize it to simplified Chinese too?

How can I do it?

I want to add a role, viewer who can comments on the video, but cannot upload videos.

I know if admin create an account, can set the upload limit to none. But if the instant is open for registraion. How can users register only with the ability to make comment and follow the channels?

Thank you. :smiley:

You can translate these strings on our translation platform PeerTube/angular @ Framasoft Weblate. Translations will be included in next peertube version :slight_smile:

Also about the email template, can I customize it to simplified Chinese too?

No sorry, see Translate emails · Issue #912 · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub

I want to add a role, viewer who can comments on the video, but cannot upload videos.

It’s not possible to add roles. But you can open registration and set the default quota to 0 in web admin configuration page

1 « J'aime »

Thanks for the link. I have register an account, and start translating when I am free.

Maybe I can simply change the template on my instance for now? Can you direct me how to find those files. (I will make a copy, if future upgrading will roll back to English) Because my user is not biligual, and only emails in Chinese will be able to communitcate.

Right. That’s a good idea. :grinning: