Unable to get my plugins to install from CLI

Don’t suppose anyone has a suggestion as to why when I follow the getting started guide for plugins step by step I can never get them to install on my instance? I’ve restarted from scratch following the walk through several times and I always get this error when trying to use the install plugin script from the command line?
« node ./dist/server/tools/peertube.js auth list » shows the server and my admin account.
but « node ./dist/server/tools/peertube.js plugins install --path /home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot » always gives the same error. I’ve added a variety of licenses and tried adding « private »: true with no change. I’ve logged into the VPS with the peertube account and confirmed it has read access to the directory and files. Thought I’d ask for help before I nuke the instance and start everything over from scratch.

error[6/19/2022, 9:18:06 AM] Cannot install plugin /home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot, removing it…
« err »: {
« err »: {
« stack »: « Error: Command failed: yarn add file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot\nwarning package.json: No license field\nwarning No license field\nerror Package « file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot » refers to a non-existing file ' »/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot"’.\n\n at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:383:12)\n at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:400:28)\n at ChildProcess.emit (domain.js:475:12)\n at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1088:16)\n at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:296:5)",
« message »: « Command failed: yarn add file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot\nwarning package.json: No license field\nwarning No license field\nerror Package « file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot » refers to a non-existing file ' »/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot"’.\n",
« killed »: false,
« code »: 1,
« signal »: null,
« cmd »: « yarn add file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot »
« stdout »: « yarn add v1.22.11\n[1/4] Resolving packages…\ninfo Visit yarn add | Yarn for documentation about this command.\n »,
« stderr »: « warning package.json: No license field\nwarning No license field\nerror Package « file:/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot » refers to a non-existing file ' »/home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot"’.\n"

Is /home/don/peertube-plugin-telegrambot on the server?
Has the peertube user access to this folder?

I have gotten it working by publishing the plug-in then installing via the gui or commandline from NPM instead of local path, so i’m not stuck any more at least

You may have to play with the env variables to get it installed, this may help :

cd /var/www/peertube/peertube-latest/
NODE_ENV=production NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/peertube/config yarn plugin:install -n peertube-plugin-transcription

apps_education / peertube / Transcription Plugin · GitLab

This might help too :

docs/development.md · main · apps_education / peertube / Transcription Plugin · GitLab

That was my problem, I was able to get it working using the provided example.
