Uploaded video stuck in "To move to external storage" even after it has been uploaded

One video that was uploaded by a user of my peertube page seemed to fail the move to external storage.

After HLS re-encoding the file was successfully moved to external storage (using the download button redirects to the video in external storage), but the video still has the « The video is being moved to an external server, it may not work properly. » warning, and viewing the video does not work.

Is there a way to disable the external storage warning (either in peertube, or a database command perhaps), could that make the video viewable?

My thinking is that this would have to be done with an SQL injection

I found the solution, pasting here incase someone else has this problem.

If after re-transcoding, the video seems to playback correctly, I ran psql -U peertube -h localhost -d peertube_prod and then did

UPDATE PUBLIC.video SET "state" = 1 WHERE uuid = '<UUID>';

where uuid is the full id, not the short uuid.