Video Thumbnail is black

I have just upgraded to Peertube 6.2, and being able to choose a specific frame for a video thumbnail is a great new feature.

However, when I select a frame from the video, and I click « Use this frame », the video area goes black.
Then when I click « Update » at the bottom right, and I go back to the list of my videos, the thumbnail is still black.

No errors are displayed.
Any ideas?


What web browser are you using?

Firefox 126.0.1 (64bit) on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)


Do you have errors in your web browser console logs?

I cleared what was in there and went through the process again, and nothing has shown up in the Firefox Browser Console :frowning:

I’ve just tried on Firefox 128.0 on Android 13, with the same outcome.
I can try other browsers later.

I have just tried on Chrome 126.0.6478.127 (64bit), on Windows 10 64bit, and it worked, so I guess it’s Firefox specific :frowning:

And it works on the same Windows computer with Firefox 128 :confused: