What kind setup do I need to support having 100k concurrent users?

Assuming every video will be 1080p with 7,5 mbit bitrate. What kind servers do I need and how many concurrents users will each handle? What broadband should I hook them to?
Just for an example’s sake 1 gb broadband can handle 133 users if every video is 1080p with 7,5 mbit bitrate or more due to P2P?

Not a techie. Just tyring to figure out how much does it costs to run an instance like that? I can set them up in Eastern Europe on the cheap.

A link or descrption to the type of hardware and broadband will siffuce

Enconding costs are already covered. My company already has a working solution that’s used in other projects.


From what I know, in term of bandwidth, P2P should handle something like 2/3 of your needs. Maybe it’s better now. You can find old feedback here: Fonctionnalité Live — Retour d'utilisation
(In french but you can use https://deepl.com)

It’s that good? 2/3?
I’ve read that thread. It’s about live streaming and it’s 2 years old. What I’ve gathered is an increase in numbers of viewers barely taxes on CPU and RAM. There’s no information about the bitrate used. I assume it’s some kinda Peertube’s default.

So consequently speaking one video encoded in 1080p with 7,5 mbit bitrate can be served 400 users on 1gb broadband?

Anyone else can share any test real life results?