Adding a couple of PeerTube categories

Hello, could you add new default categories? The fact is that in the categories that are offered, there is absolutely no Psychology, spiritual development or anything like that. Please add default if possible

  1. Psychology
  2. Spiritual development
  3. Quantum transition
    There is no desire to use a plugin that is 3 years old peertube-plugin-categories - npm
    Thank you

I just joined myself a couple of days ago and initially it all looked a bit daunting, but I’ve gotten used to it soon enough. Easiest way to find what you’re looking for is to use the Fram’s search tool at

For example, « Spiritual development » will get you 329 results of which there are 13 channels the first of which looks like you see it in the image:

The Search field remains in place above the results so you can use it again without it disappearing after your initial search.

Mmmm thank you, the question remains of how to add such categories to the config, channels, that is, I don’t argue, I’m for the choice in the configuration

 # Describe the main categories of your instance (to explain for example that your instance is dedicated to music, gaming, etc.)
  # Uncomment categories you want
  # List of supported categories:
  # PeerTube plugins can add additional categories to the official list of supported categories
#    - 1  # Music
#    - 2  # Films
#    - 3  # Vehicles
#    - 4  # Art
#    - 5  # Sports
#    - 6  # Travels
#    - 7  # Gaming
#    - 8  # People
#    - 9  # Comedy
#    - 10 # Entertainment
#    - 11 # News & Politics
#    - 12 # How To
#    - 13 # Education
#    - 14 # Activism
#    - 15 # Science & Technology
#    - 16 # Animals
#    - 17 # Kids
#    - 18 # Food

In your example it reads, « Describe the main categories of your instance… ». An instance is a server. So are you creating a channel, or just wanting to look at a few of them?

EDIT: If you’re going to create an instance be aware you have to pay for it yourself. Maybe have a look at a few existing instances to see how they do it: PeerTube instances

Here’s the administrative page of one of them which includes one of your topics:

You didn’t understand me again), I have a copy of My video channels - Angel Tales, and everything is fine with it, when I add a video I , I want to use categories not those that are stated by default in the list above, but those that I want, and indicated in the first post. You can use a plugin that is already 3 years old for this, but I don’t want to, I just ask you to add new categories to the PeerTube code itself

Yes, I do see that there appears to be a misunderstanding there on my part.

I think on this occasion you need somebody who is familiar with the topic you have questions about so I’ll gracefully exit on this occasion.

Good luck with the site.

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But why don’t you want to use this plugin?

There was no modification since 3 years, because the Peertube plugin API is very stable, and there was no need to change anything in this plugin.

This plugin is maintained by the french ministry of education.
It is not an unmaintained plugin developed by a random guy. It is actively used on all official french educational Peertube instances.

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Thank you, I’ll try, tell me where I’ve seen a plugin for changing the logo of an instance (as far as I remember, there was an option to use a picture only by link), maybe you know another one that inserts a logo immediately after uploading a picture? Thank you


I think you’re talking about Simplelogo: PeerTube Extension Finder

But maybe I am wrong and you’re talking about something else. >.>

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I’m the simple-logo dev. I never had the time to add the feature to upload the logo. But that is still on my todo list.

It seems Peertube has a feature to override some files, including the logo: PeerTube/config/production.yaml.example at 286298f5c029c3b359e0b859904472687e506bde · Chocobozzz/PeerTube · GitHub
But i never managed to make it work. If you can make it work, let me know.

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Perhaps someone will find it useful to add and remove categories to the plugin. I deleted all existing categories and added only my own

  "add": [
    {"key": 19, "label": "Квантовый переход"},
    {"key": 20, "label": "Ангельские сказки"},
    {"key": 21, "label": "Послания нового времени"},
    {"key": 22, "label": "Стихи"},
    {"key": 23, "label": "Предсказания"},
    {"key": 24, "label": "Лечение онлайн"},
    {"key": 25, "label": "Ангельские расстановки"},
    {"key": 26, "label": "Аффирмации дня"}
  "delete": [