Hi, i installed the categories-management-plugin on Peertube v7.0.0 and when i try to use it i get the following error :
{"level":"error","message":{"stack":"TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object\n at Function.keys (<anonymous>)\n at toArray (/home/yunohost.app/peertube/storage/plugins/node_modules/peertube-plugin-categories/src/enhancedCategories.js:2:10)\n at toEnhancedCategories (/home/yunohost.app/peertube/storage/plugins/node_modules/peertube-plugin-categories/src/enhancedCategories.js:9:36)\n at /home/yunohost.app/peertube/storage/plugins/node_modules/peertube-plugin-categories/src/index.js:87:34\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)","message":"Cannot convert undefined or null to object"},"label":"peertube.smtnco.net:443 peertube-plugin-categories","timestamp":"2025-01-17T10:10:35.855Z"}
First i thought of a syntax error in my definition of a new category but it does the same with the example provided with the plugin
{"add":[{"key":42,"label":"The meaning of life"}],"delete":[1]}
I tried also the syntax like in this post without any success
i copied your code ("add:[« key »,etc…without delete) in the plugin windows and clicked update plugin settings.
i still have the same error in peertube.log and Internal Server Error below preview in the plugin page. No added category
I found the part listing categories in production.yaml file but what am i supposed to do with that ?
If there are categories in the list that suit you, you can uncomment them and they will appear for you. if there are other plugins(maybe it conflicts). Maybe someone else will tell you)
Ok right, the categories listed in production.yaml are already available. What i want to do is adding my own categories.
As i tried to understand the error message, it seems that the object (categories) is null or undefined when called in by the file /home/yunohost.app/peertube/storage/plugins/node_modules/peertube-plugin-categories/src/enhancedCategories.js and then index.js
That’s where my knowledge of javascript stops. I don’t know why it happens and what to do to test and try to correct it.