I am trying to synchronize with youtube, and I am having a hard time:
searching through the forum, and taking a look at other possibilities, I found out about the « plugin » - not sure what the difference is. Through the UI, it gave me an error; but installing it through npm cli I didnt have the error. weird. anyway, and anyhow; I found this thread:
/auto-import-ytb-crontab-needed-where/13569 sorry not pasting full link because new forum members are not allowed to post more than two links per post.
I am making a new thread not only because necroposting is bad; and also and moreover; my question is not exactly about how to set the crontab. my question request is, please help a total noob. i have very little experience, almost none, with npm and alike. I honestly do not understand instructions like:
« To use this plugin, you need to give some valid admins credential inside the plugin’s settings. » but where?
I also found this other thread: peertube-help-with-imports/17693 And I am also very confused about that. I am getting the same error
and the solution on that post, isnt working either for me. if I synch through the UI (with import from youtube URL ENABLE from my admin section), I get the error I posted from my other thread; the plugin asks me to authenticate.
How do I import from youtube? Either UI or CLI (but preferably UI) but successfully?
Thank you very much
Hi, in general, PeerTube already has the built-in ability to import from YouTube, does not require plugins. admin/config/edit-custom#basic-configuration
Allow import with HTTP URL (e.g. YouTube)
If enabled, we recommend using HTTP proxy to prevent access to a private URL from your PeerTube server
Allow import using torrent file or magnet link
It’s not a good idea to enable this feature if you don’t trust your users
Allow channel sync with other platforms, such as YouTube
Automatically block new videos
If a user isn’t trusted, their videos will remain private until a moderator reviews them.
Allow users to upload a new version of their video
Enable video storyboard
Create storyboards of local videos using ffmpeg so that users can preview the video in the player while rewinding
Enable video transcription
Automatic creation of a subtitle file for uploaded/imported VOD videos
Hello, I am aware of the UI option to synchronize (import) from Youtube but it is not working for me either because google doesnt like my IP unfortunately