Live Streaming 24/7 with PeerTube?


FR :fr:

Content d’avoir été accepté sur un serveur PeeTube => iriseden Peertube
PeerTube version 6.0.2

Déjà streamer sur d’autres plateformes en live streaming 24/7 j’arrive sur PeerTube, l’UI ainsi que l’UX de PeerTube sont bien conçus (à mon goût), félicitations au dev !

Je cherche les bons paramètres pour streamer sur PeerTube 24/7 comme c’est déjà le cas sur 2 autres plateformes, OBS Studio avec l’addon obs-multi-rtmp pour ce qui est de la configuration.

Après avoir testé les 2 paramètres ci-dessous (normal live et permanent/recurring live) le stream commence à s’afficher puis s’arrête quelques secondes après avoir commencé, la dernière image reste affichée et une boucle tourne en rond à l’écran.

Ci-dessous les paramètres du live settings proposés par PeerTube

Quel est le bon paramètre pour le point suivant ?
Lattency mode
small, default ou high Lattency mode ?

Merci pour vos lumières.

EN :uk:


Glad to have been accepted on a PeeTube server => iriseden Peertube
PeerTube version 6.0.2

Already streamer on other platforms in live streaming 24/7 I arrive on PeerTube, the UI as well as the UX of PeerTube are well conceived (to my taste), congratulations to the dev !

I’m looking for the right settings to stream on PeerTube 24/7 as it’s already the case on 2 other platforms, OBS Studio with the addon obs-multi-rtmp for the configuration.

After testing the 2 settings below (normal live and permanent/recurring live) the stream starts to display, then stops a few seconds after starting, the last image remains displayed and a loop circles the screen.

Below are the live settings proposed by PeerTube

What’s the right setting for the next point?
Lattency mode
small, default ou high Lattency mode ?

Thank you for your insights.

As it is more than likely for a 24/7 stream to be interupted (network issue, software crash, …), you should try « permanent live ».
And probably uncheck « automatically publish a replay when your live ends », because… your live should not end, and it could use a huge amount of storage space on the server.

Please note that your instance admin can set a max duration for lives:

(I don’t know if your instance has such a limit).

Have you any error log on OBS ?
Maybe try without the obs-multi-rtmp, just in case the addon is buggy.
If it still fails, contact your instance’s admin to ask them if there is any log on the server (there is a contact form in the about page).

Latency mode, as explained in the value list (see screenshot), changes the p2p usage for your live.
Peertube use peer-2-peer to share bandwidth between all users currently watching the video.
If you are expecting many viewers, set the latency to hight, to save server’s bandwitdh. The counterpart is that viewers will see your live with a ~60seconds lag.
If you only expect a few viewers, and you want to minimize the lag, set to small.


1 « J'aime »

Thanks a lot for your answer and the technicals solutions you provide.

No issue with OBS Studio, work fine to simultaneously broadcast on Odysee and YouTube.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

Nice, it works :-)

By publishing videos on my channel, the PeerTube admin (thanks to him) allowed me to publish videos, this possibility allow me now to stream live on PeerTube, Enjoy !

Thanks to @JohnLivingston for his help, the setting is working well.